Use command to perform pileups, and to visualize them.

Submodules command

usage: [-h] [--features_format {bed,bedpe,auto}] [--view VIEW]
                  [--flank FLANK] [--minshift MINSHIFT] [--maxshift MAXSHIFT]
                  [--nshifts NSHIFTS] [--expected EXPECTED] [--not_ooe]
                  [--mindist MINDIST] [--maxdist MAXDIST]
                  [--ignore_diags IGNORE_DIAGS] [--subset SUBSET]
                  [--by_window] [--by_strand]
                  [--by_distance [BY_DISTANCE [BY_DISTANCE ...]]]
                  [--groupby [GROUPBY [GROUPBY ...]]] [--flip_negative_strand]
                  [--local] [--coverage_norm [COVERAGE_NORM]] [--trans]
                  [--store_stripes] [--rescale]
                  [--rescale_flank RESCALE_FLANK]
                  [--rescale_size RESCALE_SIZE]
                  [--clr_weight_name [CLR_WEIGHT_NAME]] [-o OUTNAME]
                  [-p N_PROC] [--seed SEED]
                  [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--post_mortem]
                  cool_path features

Positional Arguments


Cooler file with your Hi-C data

A 3-column bed file or a 6-column double-bed file

i.e. chr1,start1,end1,chr2,start2,end2. Should be tab-delimited.

With a bed file, will consider all combinations of intervals. To pileup features along the diagonal instead, use the --local argument.

Can be piped in via stdin, then use “-”

Named Arguments

--features_format, --features-format, --format, --basetype

Possible choices: bed, bedpe, auto

Format of the features.

Options: bed: chrom, start, end bedpe: chrom1, start1, end1, chrom2, start2, end2 auto (default): determined from the file name extension Has to be explicitly provided is features is piped through stdin

Default: “auto”


Path to a file which defines which regions of the chromosomes to use

--flank, --pad
Flanking of the windows around the centres of specified features

i.e. final size of the matrix is 2 × flank+res, in bp. Ignored with --rescale, use --rescale_flank instead

Default: 100000


Shortest shift for random controls, bp

Default: 100000


Longest shift for random controls, bp

Default: 1000000


Number of control regions per averaged window

Default: 10

File with expected (output of cooltools compute-expected).

If None, don’t use expected and use randomly shifted controls

--not_ooe, --not-ooe

If expected is provided, will accumulate all expected snippets just like for randomly shifted controls, instead of normalizing each snippet individually

Default: True

Minimal distance of interactions to use, bp.

If not provided, uses 2*flank+2 (in bins) as mindist to avoid first two diagonals


Maximal distance of interactions to use

--ignore_diags, --ignore-diags

How many diagonals to ignore

Default: 2

Take a random sample of the bed file.

Useful for files with too many featuers to run as is, i.e. some repetitive elements. Set to 0 or lower to keep all data

Default: 0

--by_window, --by-window
Perform by-window pile-ups.

Create a pile-up for each coordinate in the features. Not compatible with –by_strand and –by_distance.

Only works with bed format features, and generates pairwise combinations of each feature against the rest.

Default: False

--by_strand, --by-strand
Perform by-strand pile-ups.

Create a separate pile-up for each strand combination in the features.

Default: False

--by_distance, --by-distance
Perform by-distance pile-ups.

Create a separate pile-up for each distance band. If empty, will use default (0,50000,100000,200000,…) edges. Specify edges using multiple argument values, e.g. –by_distance 1000000 2000000

Additional columns of features to use for groupby, space separated.

If feature_format==’bed’, each columns should be specified twice with suffixes ‘1’ and ‘2’, i.e. if features have a column ‘group’, specify ‘group1 group2’., e.g. –groupby chrom1 chrom2

--flip_negative_strand, --flip-negative-strand
Flip snippets so the positive strand always points to bottom-right.

Requires strands to be annotated for each feature (or two strands for bedpe format features)

Default: False


Create local pileups, i.e. along the diagonal

Default: False

--coverage_norm, --coverage-norm

Normalize the final pileup by accumulated coverage as an alternative to balancing. Useful for single-cell Hi-C data. Can be a string: “cis” or “total” to use “cov_cis_raw” or “cov_tot_raw” columns in the cooler bin table, respectively. If they are not present, will calculate coverage with same ignore_diags as used in and store result in the cooler. Alternatively, if a different string is provided, will attempt to use a column with the that name in the cooler bin table, and will raise a ValueError if it does not exist. If no argument is given following the option string, will use “total”. Only allowed when using empty –clr_weight_name

Default: “”

Perform inter-chromosomal (trans) pileups.

This ignores all contacts in cis.

Default: False


Store horizontal and vertical stripes in pileup output

Default: False

Rescale all features to the same size.

Do not use centres of features and flank, and rather use the actual feature sizes and rescale pileups to the same shape and size

Default: False

--rescale_flank, --rescale_pad, --rescale-flank, --rescale-pad

If –rescale, flanking in fraction of feature length

Default: 1.0

--rescale_size, --rescale-size
Size to rescale to.

If --rescale, used to determine the final size of the pileup, i.e. it will be size×size. Due to technical limitation in the current implementation, has to be an odd number

Default: 99

--clr_weight_name, --weight_name, --clr-weight-name, --weight-name
Name of the norm to use for getting balanced data.

Provide empty argument to calculate pileups on raw data (no masking bad pixels).

Default: “weight”

-o, --outname, --output
Name of the output file.

If not set, file is saved in the current directory and the name is generated automatically to include important information and avoid overwriting files generated with different settings.

Default: “auto”

-p, --nproc, --n_proc, --n-proc
Number of processes to use.

Each process works on a separate chromosome, so might require quite a bit more memory, although the data are always stored as sparse matrices. Set to 0 to use all available cores.

Default: 1


Set specific seed value to ensure reproducibility

-l, --log


Set the logging level

Default: “INFO”

--post_mortem, --post-mortem

Enter debugger if there is an error

Default: False

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit command

usage: [-h] [-v] [-o OUTNAME] input_pups [input_pups ...]

Positional Arguments


Two pileups to divide

Named Arguments

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

-o, --outname
Name of the output file.

If not set, file is saved in the current directory and the name is generated automatically.

Default: “auto” command

usage: [-h] [--cmap CMAP] [--not_symmetric] [--vmin VMIN]
                  [--vmax VMAX] [--scale {log,linear}] [--stripe STRIPE]
                  [--stripe_sort STRIPE_SORT] [--lineplot]
                  [--out_sorted_bedpe OUT_SORTED_BEDPE] [--divide_pups]
                  [--font FONT] [--font_scale FONT_SCALE] [--cols COLS]
                  [--rows ROWS] [--col_order COL_ORDER]
                  [--row_order ROW_ORDER] [--colnames COLNAMES [COLNAMES ...]]
                  [--rownames ROWNAMES [ROWNAMES ...]] [--query QUERY]
                  [--norm_corners NORM_CORNERS] [--no_score] [--center CENTER]
                  [--ignore_central IGNORE_CENTRAL] [--quaich] [--dpi DPI]
                  [--height HEIGHT] [--plot_ticks] [--output OUTPUT]
                  [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [--post_mortem]
                  [--input_pups INPUT_PUPS [INPUT_PUPS ...]] [-v]

Named Arguments

Colormap to use


Default: “coolwarm”

--not_symmetric, --not-symmetric, --not_symmetrical, --not-symmetrical

Whether to not make colormap symmetric around 1, if log scale

Default: False


Value for the lowest colour


Value for the highest colour


Possible choices: log, linear

Whether to use linear or log scaling for mapping colours

Default: “log”


For plotting stripe stackups


Whether to sort stripe stackups by total signal (sum), central pixel signal (center_pixel), or not at all (None)

Default: “sum”

Whether to plot the average lineplot above stripes.

This only works for a single plot, i.e. without rows/columns

Default: False


Output bedpe of sorted stripe regions


Whether to divide two pileups and plot the result

Default: False


Font to use for plotting

Default: “DejaVu Sans”


Font scale to use for plotting. Defaults to 1

Default: 1


Which value to map as columns


Which value to map as rows


Order of columns to use, space separated inside quotes


Order of rows to use, space separated inside quotes


Names to plot for columns, space separated.


Names to plot for rows, space separated.

Pandas query to select pups to plot from concatenated input files.

Multiple query arguments can be used. Usage example: –query “orientation == ‘+-’ | orientation == ‘-+’”

Whether to normalize pileups by their top left and bottom right corners.

0 for no normalization, positive number to define the size of the corner squares whose values are averaged

Default: 0


If central pixel score should not be shown in top left corner

Default: False


How many central pixels to consider when calculating enrichment for off-diagonal pileups.

Default: 3


How many central bins to ignore when calculating insulation for local (on-diagonal) non-rescaled pileups.

Default: 3


Activate if pileups are named accodring to Quaich naming convention to get information from the file name

Default: False


DPI of the output plot. Try increasing if heatmaps look blurry

Default: 300


Height of the plot

Default: 1


Whether to plot ticks demarkating the center and flanking regions, only applicable for non-stripes

Default: False

--output, -o, --outname

Where to save the plot

Default: “pup.pdf”

-l, --log


Set the logging level

Default: “INFO”


Enter debugger if there is an error

Default: False


All files to plot

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit